Friday, January 7, 2011

2011: First Impressions

The seers poking at the messy entrails of economic data are seeing good signs.  Albeit with varying degrees of trepidation they are forecasting noticeable recovery.  Based on anecdotal evidence, your humble blogger agrees. 

As some of the “old media” bounces back we’ll be able to more accurately tease out the long-term secular trends, set in motion by new online and mobile media, from the shorter-term economic cycles that the seasoned among us have seen before. 

However, there’s no “easy street” around the corner.  There will be no quick return to proven formulas in information/communication markets that seemed to mint money without much risk.  Nor, with few lucky exceptions, will the glib new “grab market share” models pan-out.

Easy, though, is overrated.  The best information businesses your humble blogger has had a hand in have been tough and complicated and therefore defensible, durable and rewarding.

In this New Year of 2011, we’re looking forward to working with other media utilitarians, working across media platforms and using new tools to make money the tough, sometimes complicated, not-so-easy, old-fashioned way!

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Anonymous Mike Warren said...

well, it is good to know your first impression for 2011. I wanna know now what is your impression for 2012?

January 30, 2012 at 11:12 AM  

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